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Hardwired for Love and Survival: Why Working with the Body is Crucial for Healing Early Attachment Wounds
Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center
5611 Jaguar Park Dr
Raleigh, NC 27606
Saturday, November 09, 2019, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: In-person Trainings

This 2-day workshop will offer a deep, thoughtful examination into the nature and origination of Early Attachment Patterns, citing publications by John Bowlby, Mary Main, Dan Seigel, Allan Schore as well as current cutting edge therapy approaches by Diane Poole Heller and others. We will learn what it means to be hard-wired for Survival as well as Loving/Bonding as we begin to understand the Insecure adaptations, and how to uncover the Healthy Secure attachment system. This course will invite greater compassion and understanding, as well as teach effective somatic strategies/techniques for this most vulnerable area of need in ourselves and our clients.

Emphasis throughout the program will be on the neurobiological underpinnings of attachment and trauma, using Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal System and other brain research. We will see how by accessing “hidden” implicit body memories of early relating we can make lasting changes in our adult clients with the right approach of timing, somatic awareness, sense of safety and attuned presence.

This program will include Lecture, Guided Imagery, multi-media learning and Interactive Practice Breakouts.

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Suggested Resources/Readings:

The Power of Attachment by Diane Poole Heller
Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller 
A Symphony of Gifts from Relational Neuroscience by Bonnie Badenoch

Podcast: Interview with Michelle Chalfant and The Adult Chair:

Meet the Presenter:

Patti Elledge has specialized in therapeutic application of neuroscience for more than 40 years. She has a broad clinical background in developmental traumas and worked directly with babies, children and families for 25 years prior to her Somatic Experiencing training in the late 90s. She specializes in trauma healing techniques for interpersonal, social/emotional, language/cognition and sensory processing disruptions and Early Attachment Wounds. Her blending of a variety of somatic and body-mind techniques helps to treat and resolve over-coupled elements of the fight-flight-freeze that become so seemingly intractable with the essence of loving/bonding and “belonging.” By accessing all parts of the nervous system and moving out of stuck, frozen or fear based relational patterns we can return to healthy functioning. This return to regulation leads us to greater sense of self, ease in relating to others, creativity, expression in the world and eventually toward our own spiritual natures. Patti has studied directly with Drs. Peter Levine, Diane Poole Heller and Raja Selvam as well as many other renowned teachers, and serves as an approved consultant for the SE training requirements. She holds Trauma Informed Touch Certification from Kathy Kain and is delighted to share her wisdom as a Faculty member for Diane Poole Heller’s pioneering work, Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning Experience.

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